Mominoki Core/N

Mominoki Core/N(株もみの木) vol.6

A souvenir shop with a wide selection of goods, located on the slope leading to the Glover Garden. Also, popular as a meeting place and resting place.

One of the largest souvenir shops in the prefecture where you can eat

The shop has one of the largest sales areas in the Nagasaki Oura district, a food court where you can eat, and many food menus for eating around (ice cream, hot dogs, etc.). You can try Nagasaki castella, Nagasaki champon, Nagasaki sara-udon, etc., or buy them as souvenirs. Duty-free sales are also available. Don’t miss the “Castella Shrine,” dedicated to the Great Castella God, in honor of the Nagasaki Castella (sweet) and to wish for the fulfillment of love.

Mominoki Core/N(株もみの木) vol.6

Mominoki Core/N



Address:1-18 Minamiyamate-cho, Nagasaki City

Access:2-minute walk from "Oura Tenshudo" tram stop.

Business hour:9:00am-6:00pm

Closing dates : No scheduled holidays


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