

Iguchi Hocho Honten


Kitchen knives that are popular among professionals and connoisseurs

A kitchen knife shop in the Kyoto City Central Wholesale Market. From sturdy, well-fitting knives to beautifully crafted knives. In addition to being custom-made, there are also hands-on classes in trying out knives and sharpening knives.
The photo shows a showcase inside the store. A variety of knives are available for various uses. Knives with different blade shapes and sizes are lined up so tightly that it's fun just to look at them.


Iguchi Hocho Honten



62 Sujakuhozocho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto

4 minutes’ walk from Senbon-Shichijo City Bus Stop or JR Umekoji-Kyoto-nishi Station


Parking: 1 car

Closing dates : Sundays, national holidays and Irregular Wednesdays

WEBSITE : https://iguchi-houcho.com/