


大雄院 vol.19 巻頭特集

Sliding door paintings reproducing various thoughts and emotions

The pagoda of Myoshinji Temple. Normally closed to the public, it is open to the public in spring and fall. Four of the sliding door paintings facing the entrance
depict scenes of spring, summer, fall, and winter.

[Chikusa no hanamaru fusuma-e (sliding door painting of a flower circle) ]
Reproduction of a painting of the Hananomaru Grand Ceiling, a work by Shibata Zeshin, active from the late Edo period to the Meiji period, which was painted in the “Chikusa no Ma” of the Meiji Palace in Tokyo.




52 Hanazono Myoshinji-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi

5 mimutes' walk from Myoshin-ji Kitamon-mae City Bus Stop

normally closed to the public*Special viewing hours 10am-4pm
entrance fee:600 yen
No parking lot

Closing dates : normally closed to the public

WEBSITE : https://www.daiouin.com/