

Satsuma Shuzo Kedogawa Distillery Meijigura

薩摩酒造 vol.10

The southernmost shochu distillery in the Satsuma Peninsula that has been active since the Meiji Period. The origin and the present of Satsuma shochu is here

Getting intoxicated with Satsuma sweet potato Shochu

Satsuma Shuzo is the representative distillery of Kagoshima, with “Satsuma Shiranami” as the brand’s name. “Meijigura” continues to produce authentic shochu made from sweet potatoes and koji, following the method established at the end of the Meiji period. Visit the distillery and experience the history that lives in it from the craftsmen’s skills and tools, and savor the traditions of Kagoshima with its aroma and taste.

薩摩酒造 vol.10

Satsuma Shuzo Kedogawa Distillery Meijigura



Address:26 Tategamihonmachi, Makurazaki City

Access:Get off at JR Ibusuki-Makurazaki Line “Makurazaki Station” from Kagoshima Chuo Station, 5 minutes by car.

Business hour:9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Closing dates : December 31 and January 1


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